
My Journey to Mastery: From Indoor Climber to Outdoor Enthusiast

Me at Red River Gorge

On my 35th birthday, I embarked on a unique adventure – climbing in the urban landscape of the West Loop in Chicago at Brooklyn Boulders. That day, I discovered my passion for climbing and, as they say, the rest is history. Over the past five years, I have evolved from a climbing enthusiast to a professional deeply ingrained in the climbing community.

Becoming a Climbing Expert:

In my journey, I’ve not only honed my climbing skills but have also become deeply involved in the sport. I managed a rock climbing gym and shared my knowledge by teaching others the art of climbing. As a leader of the women’s rock climbing group, SheSends, in Indianapolis, Indiana, I’ve fostered a supportive and inclusive climbing community.

My Vision and Goals:

My dedication to climbing has led me to pursue the goal of becoming a certified single pitch instructor. I believe that sharing my experience and expertise with the climbing community is essential to the sport’s growth. Climbing is not just a hobby but a lifestyle that promotes positivity and physical well-being. I’m committed to introducing it to people from all walks of life.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Climbing:

While some climbers may never venture beyond the controlled environment of a climbing gym, others yearn for the outdoor world. For those venturing into “real” rock climbing, I offer hearty congratulations. Climbing outdoors requires similar skills, but it also introduces you to new challenges, from anchor setting to route finding. If you’re new to outdoor climbing, consider taking a class or hiring a professional climbing guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Essential Gear for Outdoor Climbing:

  • Quickdraws: At least 12 quickdraws are essential for most routes.
  • Outdoor Rope: A single dynamic rope of 60m length or more is crucial for your climbing adventures.
  • Climbing Shoes: Invest in climbing-specific shoes for enhanced grip and stability.
  • Harness: A quality harness is vital for safety and gear management.
  • Chalk Bag: Most climbers use chalk to keep their hands dry and maintain a good grip.
  • Anchoring Gear: You’ll need gear for anchoring, including quickdraws.
  • Cleaning Gear: Proper gear is essential to safely clean routes after climbing.
  • Rope and Gear Bag: A spacious bag to carry all your gear and rope.
  • Snacks: Staying hydrated and fueled is crucial for a long day at the crag.

Cleaning the Route:

Cleaning a climbing route is an essential skill. It’s advisable to practice cleaning on the ground before attempting it on a route. Always go with an experienced climber who can guide you through the process. Communication between the climber and belayer is key to a smooth cleaning process.

Common Mistakes in Sport Climbing:

Stay vigilant for common mistakes such as z-clipping, back-clipping, and back-stepping. These errors can occur both indoors and outdoors, leading to safety risks.

Embrace Falls:

Falling is an inevitable part of climbing, but it’s crucial to embrace it rather than fight it. Avoid holding onto the rope during a fall, as it can lead to rope burn. Practicing falls with your belayer can help you become more comfortable with this aspect of climbing.

Outdoor Climbing Etiquette:

Respecting the outdoor climbing community is paramount. Leave no trash behind, respect wildlife, and keep noise levels down. Be organized at the crag and follow the rules and regulations of the climbing area.

In Conclusion:

Sports climbing is both thrilling and challenging. It’s important to be aware and continue practicing to gain confidence. With climbing’s increasing popularity, it’s our duty to educate future climbers about respecting the climbing environment. Climbing gyms are at the forefront of this surge, introducing more people to the sport. Let’s ensure that they understand and respect the values of outdoor climbing.


Learning How to Lead Climb – Part 2: Conquering the Test and Celebrating Success

It’s been a little while since I finished the second part of my lead climbing class and passed the lead test after a second try. Let’s dive into my journey and recent climbing adventures.

An Exciting Day at Brooklyn Boulders:

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of climbing with my regular Meetup group at Brooklyn Boulders. I squeezed in some lead climbing after helping a fellow climbing partner with his lead test, which he aced. He was one of the lucky climbers who didn’t need to take a class to get lead certified at BKB. His seasoned climbing experience, both indoors and outdoors, made it a breeze for him. The highlight of my day, however, was when I and nine other climbers were featured on Brooklyn Boulders’ Instagram. We submitted our climbing photos and videos for a chance to win a one-month membership for just $10 in honor of BKB’s 10th birthday. I was thrilled when I was one of the winners. It came just in time as I had only two passes left in my 10-pack. Happy Birthday Brooklyn Boulders!

First Class Recap:

In my previous blog post, I detailed the first part of my lead climbing class, which included learning about quickdraws, how to use them while climbing, and the three key mistakes to avoid while lead climbing: Z-clipping, back clipping, and back stepping. If you missed it, you can read more in my previous post.

Second Lead Class Recap:

Upon our return to the second part of the class, it was time to delve into practice falls and lead climbing. We couldn’t literally take falls, but we could do demo lead climbing and falls under the guidance of our instructor. We honed our command drills for taking rope, feeding rope, and hand positioning for a fall. The focus of this class was learning how to lead belay.

Mastering the ATC:

We learned the importance of feeding the rope quickly while observing the leader’s clip and then taking out the slack once the leader secured a clip. The first three clips should keep the rope “tight” to prevent the climber from hitting the ground in case of a fall. When feeding rope with an ATC, the belayer pulls the rope with their left hand, automatically pulling up the break hand (right hand). The break hand then slides down the rope to feed it into the ATC, never letting go of the rope. Maintaining close proximity to the wall while belaying is crucial to avoid being smashed into it if a fall occurs. The belayer should steer clear of the climber during the first three clips, known as the “red zone.” Being on the climber’s side is a safer position. As the climber ascends higher, it becomes acceptable to be “under” the climber while belaying.

Stance plays a pivotal role in belaying. Keeping one foot forward helps maintain balance and steadiness, ensuring the right position to respond to a fall. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to practice belaying on a grigri during the class, but I found that belaying with an ATC worked well for me.

Catching a Fall with Grace:

For both short and long falls, a lead belayer should “embrace” the impact by moving “up” with the fall. If the belayer is lifted off their feet, they need to face the wall or rock, with their feet ready to land on the wall or rock for stability. Being close to the wall or rock is essential to avoid being thrown into it during a fall.

The Lead Test:

I completed my lead class on the 11th of this month and took the lead test the following week. My partner at that time also needed to pass the test for lead certification. The test has three components: naming the three common lead climbing mistakes, demonstrating a lead climb, and showcasing belaying skills. We were asked to identify the three common mistakes and explain why they should be avoided. Following that, we each had to lead a climbing route, fall twice, and then finish the route. This part proved physically challenging as falling takes a toll. But I persevered.

Once the climbing portion was completed, we moved on to the lead belaying test, which involved showing how to position the rope on the ground, secure a knot at the end of the rope, ensure that the rope and the belay device were properly inserted into the carabiner, and more. We had to demonstrate how to feed the rope, take the rope, and catch a fall, including knowing when to execute these actions.

My first attempt at the lead test ended in failure, and I was disappointed. However, the tester’s strict approach helped me understand my mistakes. He pointed out that my technique was fine but I needed to climb quicker while clipping and avoid being under the climber during the first three clips.

After more studying and practice, I decided to retake the lead test with a different tester. During the test, I initially thought I might fail again as I struggled with a challenging route that had tricky finger holds (incidentally, I conquered that route yesterday). The tester gave me another chance by allowing me to choose a less challenging route. She commended my belaying skills, as well as my ability to fall and clip. When she told me I’d passed, I was ecstatic. Though I didn’t need to complete the route after falling, I was willing to do so if she had asked.

Final Thoughts on the Lead Climbing Journey:

My journey into lead climbing was everything I expected it to be. Challenging, yes, but also incredibly fun. I found myself enjoying falling, of all things! I still need to work on my clipping skills. Perhaps I’ll explore other techniques demonstrated by fellow climbers. My next step is to take the BKB Climbing Workshops: “Stop Saying Take: Mental Training for Sport Climbing” and “Sport Anchor + Rappel.”

Question of the Day:

What was your experience like when you took your lead climbing test? Do you have any advice for those interested in lead climbing? Share your insights with us!


Learning How to Lead Climb – Part 1: My Climbing Journey So Far

Young female rock climber clipping rope while lead climbing

My rock climbing journey began in April last year when I decided to celebrate my birthday with an adventure – indoor rock climbing. Since then, it has been a journey filled with determination, challenges, and exhilarating experiences.

Starting Steps:

I started by taking the Intro to Climbing and Learn the Ropes courses at Brooklyn Boulders. Overcoming a slight fear of heights, I pushed myself to climb efficiently. Last year, my climbing buddy, June, and I were conquering 5.10+ routes, and we felt like superheroes. It’s not the highest level, but it’s certainly not the lowest either.

Winter Break Setback:

After a winter break of almost five months, I returned to climbing in mid-April. It didn’t take long to notice some setbacks, but I knew they were fixable. I needed to regain my climbing touch and implement what I’d learned the previous year. Straight-arm climbing remained a challenge for me, but I was determined to improve. Lesson learned: no more winter breaks.

What’s Happening Now:

One of the highlights of this year’s climbing journey was joining a rock climbing community through Meetup in May. It opened doors to meet climbers like myself, from beginners to advanced. During a Meetup event, I met a fellow climber who loved bouldering, a facet of climbing I hadn’t explored much last year. This experience helped me regain finger and arm strength and focus on footwork. With renewed confidence, I decided to face my fear and start learning lead climbing.

The Lead Climbing Class:

Taking my first lead climbing class was a mix of excitement and nervousness, given my lingering fear of heights. The class spanned two three-hour sessions, and I joined five others, along with a friendly instructor. We started by getting to know each other, sharing the strangest things we’ve ever eaten (bull balls and lamb brain were some of the unique answers).

Our instructor took a discussion-based teaching approach, keeping the class interactive. We delved into the world of quickdraws, discussing their design and proper handling. Then came the practical part: learning to clip our ropes from various positions using both hands. It seemed more challenging than the YouTube tutorials and videos of professional climbers made it appear.

We also learned about the common mistakes of lead climbing: Z-clipping, back climbing, and the danger of having the rope behind the leg. I experienced some of these mistakes during the demo clipping sessions. It was one thing to understand the concept, but demonstrating it was a whole new challenge.

Demo Fall:

The class concluded with a demo fall. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as daunting as I expected, possibly because I’d had my fair share of falls during bouldering. One crucial lesson: don’t grab the rope when falling; keep those hands free to focus on using your feet.

Looking Ahead:

Lead climbing is both adventurous and complex, demanding constant alertness. I’ve decided to practice more at the gym before taking the second part of my lead class. We’ll be covering belaying for lead climbing and reviewing what we learned in the first session.

Question for You:

Are you a rock climber? If so, what type of climbing do you enjoy the most? Share your climbing journey with us!


Dealing With Fear When Climbing: Overcoming the Mental Heights

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Feeling fear while climbing is entirely natural, and recognizing that you’re not alone in this experience is vital. Many climbers, both amateurs and professionals, have shared stories similar to my own about having a fear of heights before embarking on their climbing journeys. This fear isn’t exclusive to newcomers; even seasoned climbers and renowned professionals deal with it. A while back, while browsing YouTube, I stumbled upon an interview with Roanne Voorst on EpicTV. In this captivating interview, she spoke with well-known rock climbers like Alex Honnold and Hazel Findlay about their experiences with fear in climbing. I was surprised to learn that even climbers as daring as Alex Honnold, who ascends without a rope, wrestle with fear at times. If you’re interested in watching the interview, you can check it on YouTube. Roanne Voorst also wrote a book titled Fear!.

So, who doesn’t experience fear? Fear is a formidable force that transcends climbing and influences various aspects of our lives, including physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual dimensions. It has the power to immobilize us, preventing us from moving forward. Fear can be a paralyzing factor in our lives, which is why addressing it is essential.

If you’re grappling with fear and aren’t sure how to manage it, here are some strategies to help you face and conquer your fears.

1. Pray: For those who are spiritually inclined, prayer can be a powerful tool, especially if you have a strong and childlike faith. Turning to a higher power can provide comfort and strength when confronting fear.

2. Positive Visualization: Visualizing yourself successfully completing the climbing route you’ve chosen is a key to overcoming fear. Envisioning your success helps shift your focus from fear to what you hope to achieve.

3. Speak Positively: Using positive self-talk can help dispel negative thoughts when fear strikes. Speaking uplifting words can boost your confidence and motivate you to take on challenges.

4. Mind Your Perspective: Averting your gaze from the ground, especially when you’re high up on the rocks, can be quite helpful. But if you do catch yourself looking down and start feeling fearful, don’t panic. Instead, try to imagine that you’re in a secure place that is high up, like a tall building or an airplane.

5. Prepare for Physical Symptoms: Fear can manifest through physical symptoms, such as trembling legs, a racing heart, and the sensation of butterflies in your stomach. Understanding and preparing for these symptoms can help you accept fear without giving up. Many phobias are not necessarily about the object or situation itself but are linked to the uncomfortable feelings that accompany anxiety. Exposure therapy can be a valuable technique, as it gradually exposes you to the source of your anxiety—whether it’s a fear of climbing or heights. By confronting your fears, you can work on overcoming anxiety and distress.

Share Your Story:

If you’ve experienced a fear of heights or have successfully conquered it, I encourage you to share your story and tips. Your experiences can be a source of inspiration and guidance for others who are on their own climbing journey.

Remember, fear is a part of the human experience, and while it can be overwhelming, it can also be overcome. Embrace your fear, learn from it, and use it as a stepping stone to greater heights in your climbing and in life.


Unlocking Adventure: How to Find the Perfect Rock Climbing Partner

Young Woman Rock Climbing with Confidence as Her Ground Partner Ensures Safety on a Sunny Summer Day

Finding a compatible climbing partner is a crucial step in your rock climbing journey. When I met my first climbing partner through a class at Brooklyn Boulders last year, it was a game-changer. We instantly connected, and her attentiveness as a belayer made our climbs a breeze. However, there were times when our schedules didn’t align, and I needed to find other climbing buddies. The search for like-minded climbers can be a bit complex, but with some research and strategy, you can discover the ideal climbing companions.

Before you embark on a climbing adventure with a new partner, it’s important to vet them thoroughly. Inquire about their rock climbing experience, communication skills, and how receptive they are to constructive feedback. A good climbing partner should not only be attentive to your needs as a climber but also enjoyable to hang out with.

If you’re having trouble finding reliable climbing partners, whether you’re moving to a new town or just seeking more connections in your climbing community, here are some effective strategies to help you find fellow climbers:

1. Join a Local Climbing Gym:

  • Joining a climbing gym in your area is a fantastic way to meet like-minded individuals. The climbing community is often filled with friendly, approachable people who are eager to share tips with newcomers. Strike up conversations while waiting your turn on the wall or during rest breaks. Many climbing gyms also offer classes and events, providing even more opportunities to connect with climbers.

2. Explore Meetup:

  • Meetup is a free social platform that connects people with shared interests. You can find climbing groups on Meetup that regularly meet to climb together. Simply search for “rock climbing” in your area, and you’ll discover groups that align with your interests. When you join a group, make sure to communicate your climbing level and reach out to group leaders if you have any questions or concerns.

3. Leverage Mountain Project:

  • Mountain Project is a dedicated platform for rock climbers. You can use this website to find climbing partners in your area, discover climbing routes, read real-life experiences, and seek advice from fellow climbers. Whether you’re searching for a climbing buddy or posting a message about your need for a partner, Mountain Project can be an invaluable resource.

4. Airbnb Adventures:

  • Airbnb has expanded its services to offer Airbnb Experiences, where you can explore creative and adventurous activities worldwide. This platform may introduce you to potential climbing partners during these experiences. To find a rock climbing adventure near you, type your city’s name along with “rock climbing” in the search bar. New Airbnb members often receive discounts for their first adventure, and if you find a host offering an indoor or outdoor rock climbing experience, don’t hesitate to sign up.

5. Exercise Caution with Social Media:

  • While social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be helpful in connecting with climbing groups, it’s crucial to verify the legitimacy of these groups before joining. Avoid dating websites that may not be focused on climbing.

As you venture into the world of rock climbing, remember that a great climbing partner can make all the difference. By using these strategies, you can uncover potential partners who share your passion and enthusiasm for this exhilarating sport. Happy climbing!


How to Excel in Indoor Rock Climbing as a Novice Climber

Pushing the Limits: A determined young climber conquering the indoor training wall.

Indoor rock climbing is an exciting and challenging sport that requires both physical and mental strength. If you’re a beginner, it’s normal to face some difficulties while climbing. However, with the right approach and consistent practice, you can significantly improve your climbing skills. In this post, we’ll explore several key strategies and tips to help you get better at indoor rock climbing.

  1. Climb Regularly: The more you climb, the more you’ll improve. Try to visit the climbing gym on a consistent basis, ideally a few times a week. Regular practice will help build your strength, stamina, and technique.
  2. Take Climbing Classes: Many climbing gyms offer beginner classes to teach you the basics of climbing and safety procedures. Enroll in these classes to learn essential skills and gain confidence.
  3. Work on Technique: Climbing is not just about strength; it’s about using your body efficiently. Pay attention to your technique, such as foot placement, balance, and body positioning. Learning how to use holds effectively will make a significant difference.
  4. Set Goals: Set specific climbing goals for yourself. Whether it’s completing a particular route, climbing a certain grade, or mastering a new technique, having goals will keep you motivated and focused.
  5. Climb with Experienced Climbers: Climbing with more experienced climbers can be incredibly beneficial. They can offer guidance, tips, and even belay you on more challenging routes. Plus, it’s more fun to climb with friends!
  6. Strength and Conditioning: Building overall strength, especially in your core, forearms, and fingers, is essential for climbing. Incorporate specific strength and conditioning exercises into your routine to improve your climbing abilities.
  7. Stretch and Warm-Up: Always warm up and stretch before climbing. This helps prevent injuries and improves your climbing performance.
  8. Climb Different Routes: Don’t stick to the same type of routes all the time. Climbing on a variety of holds, angles, and difficulties will enhance your adaptability and climbing skills.
  9. Learn to Fall Safely: Falling is part of climbing. Learning how to fall safely will reduce your fear and boost your confidence. Practice controlled falls to get comfortable with the process.
  10. Watch and Learn: Watch experienced climbers in the gym or online. You can pick up valuable insights by observing their techniques and movements.
  11. Nutrition and Hydration: Proper nutrition and staying hydrated are crucial for peak climbing performance. Make sure to fuel your body adequately before and after climbing sessions.
  12. Mental Toughness: Climbing can be mentally challenging. Learn to stay focused, manage fear, and overcome obstacles. Visualization and positive self-talk can help boost your mental toughness.
  13. Rest and Recovery: Don’t overdo it. Rest and recovery are essential for muscle growth and injury prevention. Listen to your body and allow it to recover between climbing sessions.
  14. Enjoy the Process: Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey. Climbing is not only about reaching the top; it’s also about the experience and the sense of accomplishment.

By following these tips and staying committed to your indoor rock climbing journey, you’ll gradually become a more confident and skilled climber. Keep pushing your limits, and you’ll be amazed at how far you can progress in this exhilarating sport.


Rock Climbing Essentials: What’s in My Gym Bag for a Successful Indoor Climb

Adventure Awaits: Geared Up and Ready to Conquer New Heights

If you’re stepping into the thrilling world of indoor rock climbing, being well-prepared is key to a safe and enjoyable experience. When I first started climbing, I opted to rent gear at the gym. However, as my passion grew, I realized it was more cost-effective to invest in my own climbing equipment. After some trial and error, I’ve found the perfect gear for my climbing level, and I’m here to share my recommendations with you.

The Right Bag:

Before diving into climbing gear, you’ll need a reliable bag to carry it all. I opted for the Lululemon City Adventurer Backpack 17L, which has dedicated compartments for shoes and workout clothes, an outer pocket for a smartphone, an inside pocket for a water bottle, and even a laptop compartment. Plus, it’s water-resistant for those unexpected drizzles.

Climbing Shoes:

The foundation of your gear collection should be climbing shoes. Brands like La Sportiva and Butora offer excellent options. I personally love the Butora Endeavor Wide Fit Climbing Shoe. It’s eco-friendly, featuring 100% organic hemp lining for stretch control and odor management. Just remember to buy them 1.5 sizes larger than your regular shoe size for a comfortable fit.

Climbing Socks:

While most climbers don’t wear socks with their climbing shoes, I invested in Butora climbing socks to prevent smelly shoes after extended use. Made from 100% organic hemp, these socks provide a snug fit and extra comfort.


Comfort is vital when it comes to harnesses. Rental harnesses at the gym may lack the padding needed for a pleasant climbing experience. I recommend the Black Diamond Women’s XS Smoke Primrose Harness, known for its adjustability and quality.


For a firm grip, chalk is a must. Opt for loose chalk or a chalk ball, as they tend to be more versatile than the liquid version. Your choice of chalk bag depends on your climbing style, with small chalk bags being suitable for most indoor climbers.

Belay Devices and Carabiners:

Most gyms provide rental belay devices, but if you plan to bring your own, consider the Petzl Grigri 2 Belay Device for its automatic lock feature. Pair it with carabiners like the Black Diamond Gridlock Screwgate Locking Carabiner and Black Diamond RockLock Screwgate Carabiner for added safety.

Get Expert Advice:

If you’re still unsure about the right gear or have questions about your climbing adventure, you can turn to online resources like Backcountry. Their Gearheads experts can guide you in choosing the right equipment and answer any questions you might have about various adventure sports.

With the right gear in your gym bag, you’ll be well-prepared for your indoor climbing sessions. This list of essentials has been curated from my own experiences, ensuring that your climbing journey is not only thrilling but also safe and comfortable. Happy climbing!